Beat Down

Can you cry, scream, and pray all at once?

On March 8th Kaylee Gain (a white 16 year old girl) and Maurnice DeClue (a black 16 year old girl) fought in the street a short distance from school with about 20 onlookers.

After landing over a dozen blows to the face and sending Kaylee to the cement; Maurnice then proceeded to slam Kaylee’s skull into the concrete no fewer than 4 times. The video captures the “thump” of Kaylee’s skull smashing against the cement with full force from Maurnice. Following the blows to her head, Kayle is seen limp on the ground “twitching” from the damage inflicted on her brain. Kaylee was taken to a nearby hospital where she remains in a coma to this day. The extent of her brain damage is unknown until she can interact with the doctors (should that day ever come). The family has collected over $400,000 from a gofundme campaign to offset her medical care.

The name of the attacker (Maurnice) was not initially shared with the public by officials (under the guise of being a minor) and she was not immediately arrested. She was taken into custody later. About 2 weeks after the attack the DeClue family stepped forward to launch a gofundme defense fund for Maurnice. Their claim is Maurnice is a model student and has never been in trouble until this event. They further said Kaylee has been a frequent and persistent source of harassment against Maurnice. The clear implication being ‘she had it coming’. Citing the video, gofundme removed the DeClue campaign from its site as a clear violation of its terms of use.

The School the girls attend recently declined funding for additional police presence on campus; electing instead to spend the additional funding on diversity and inclusion training for the students. The school is predominantly black.

National News has NOT picked up this story, only a few local and internet outlets. Nobody mentions the race of the girls despite being clear in the video. Most of the videos have been taken down. The few that are shown blur the faces. Some have eliminated the head bashing. Most have eliminated the video of twitching on the ground. Local TV says it’s too brutal to show on the air.

There have been no Rodney King style riots in response to the attempted murder of Kaylee.

The AG says DeClue will be tried as an adult “maybe”. As of now the charges against DeClue are “assault” despite the brutality of the attack. Should Kaylee die, manslaughter would be considered. Personally, I anticipate Kaylee will be mentally crippled for life and the charges against DeClue will remain “assault” and she will be tried as a minor. Not because Kaylee is white but because the vast amount of “black on xxxxxx” crime is being treated with a light touch throughout the nation thanks to AGs and DAs who openly admit this is their policy.

In recent days, claims of Kaylee being the equivalent of white trash and a trouble maker (in this all black school) have surfaced to justify the attack of March 8th.

It is beyond imagination that any number of cruel words or kids fighting justify attempted murder.

Meanwhile, the nation is silent on this horrific act of brutality.

Basically, “move along…. nothing to see here”

Cry. Scream. Pray.

Updates from 4/8 … also cloned because site may be taken down ….,

As Missouri teen Kaylee Gain struggles to recover from a March beating, the high school she and her alleged attacker attend is accused of refusing to release records requested by state Attorney General Andrew Bailey.
Bailey is considering charging the teen as an adult, according to the Daily Mail.
Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that put her in a coma for two weeks after the March 8 incident. Gain, who is white, and her alleged attacker, who is black, are students at Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis; the attack took place about a mile from the school amid a fight between two groups of teens.
Bailey has said the incident was spawned in the school’s DEI-obsessed culture.

Bailey said that the school district made “egregious errors” about the incident and said the district is violating the law by not promptly sharing the records he has requested.
“Instead of directing your ire at a date reference or making ad-hominem attacks, you should follow Missouri law and do so immediately,” Bailey said.
Cindy Reeds Ownsby, an attorney representing the school district, wrote in a recent email that Bailey is the problem.
“It is disappointing to have an attorney general that intentionally disrespects public school district administrators and elected officials by sending error-filled correspondence to intimidate and threaten their leadership,” she wrote.
Ownsby said the records would be provided by April 15.
Last week, a judge ruled that a certification hearing will be held on May 10 to determine whether the alleged attacker will be tried as an adult, according to USA Today.
County attorneys sought the delay to accumulate information on the attacker’s social and family life.
“Our position is that she should not be certified,” defense attorney Greg Smith said.
“We understand that the law says that there has to be a certification hearing based on what she has been charged with. That’s non-negotiable but our position is she should not be certified. Everything is out there, about her being an honor student, she has taken AP courses, she has no history with the juvenile court. She has been the victim of bullying. There are other facts that we are going to save for court,” he said

Gain family lawyer Bryan Kaemmerer will argue the attacker should be tried as an adult.
Kaemmerer revealed: “Kaylee is still showing signs of significant cognitive impairment during the limited conversations that she is able to have, and she tends to reiterate the same short sentences over and over. Although Kaylee seems to realize she is in hospital, she does not understand why she is there,” he said, according to the Mirror.
“Given the particularly violent nature of this assault, and also taking into account the devastating injuries that Kaylee has incurred, it is difficult to imagine a more appropriate case for a juvenile to be certified as an adult,” Kaemmerer said


So the DOJ says Biden is too feeble to stand trial for his crimes taking top secret documents home. Gosh isn’t that convenient. Sort of like Hillary not being prosecuted for the sole reason that no prosecutor would charge her. WTF is happening to our nation. The latest polls on Biden say Democrats and Independents combined are 90% in agreement that Biden is too old to be POTUS. The White House claims everything is fine. The USA is the laughing stock of the planet.

Meanwhile Trump navigates multiple court attacks for nonsense charges; interfering with his campaign. So far polling has him leading every Republican and Democrat POTUS candidate by double digits

The USA is being invaded with 2M illegal aliens per year under Biden who refuses to enforce the existing boarder laws. Pathetic. But we are pumping millions to Israel and Ukraine.

And now, the Covid mRNA vaccines appear to the cause of new novel protein structures growing inside arteries and veins. So the USA paid China to produce Covid, then paid for a vaccine that kills people, and protected the mRNA producers from all liability

JMJ 🙏4️⃣👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Underestimated ….

When I said the liberals and the media would turn the Hamas terror attack into a pro Palestine anti Israel debate, I underestimated the degree to which it would be true. Scores of Colleges and Universities are having huge protests in support of Palestine. The media is spending all its time grilling Israel about harm to civilians…. but interesting enough there are no facts to support such a claims…. all we have is propaganda from Hamas being amplified by the media. Threats of violence against Jewish organizations and churches. Biden is now beating the drum of a 2-state solution. What is a 2-state solution look like when muslims only goal (formally pronounced and repeated frequently) is to remove Jews from the face of the planet. Why is America sending “humanitarian assistance” directly into the hands of Hamas? The UN has taken a formal position by REFUSING to pass a non-binding resolution condemning the Hamas terror attack on Israel. What? Is this joke?

May God have mercy on us all.


It shocks me how stupid educated people can be.

The USA released $9B of Iran’s money in exchange for American hostages. The agreement was the money could only be used for humanitarian relief. Here is the IQ test….. money is fungible. By releasing $9B into Iran’s hands thats $9B of their current money to spend on humanitarian aid. Its another joke from the Biden administration.

But the real Shadows on the Cave Wall are more insidious ….

While everyone is talking about $9B in “humanitarian aid” and releasing “Iran’s own money” the Biden administration has relaxed banking and trade sanctions on Iran starting the first day Biden took office. As a result, Iran’s oil revenues have skyrocketed over the last 3 years. The increased oil production and ability to sell oil to China, Russia, and other axis of evil has funded their weapons production and their ability to resume trade with the rest of the world.

Why is America in bed with Iran?

The world is truly a fucked up place.

More War

Hamas attacks Israel in the most deadly attack since WWII killing thousands of Jews.

Babies beheaded.

Women raped.

Hundreds of civilian Jews captured.

Israel is fighting back.

The world is taking sides but once again, the pressure is aimed towards Israel. Negotiate. Don’t over do the response. But Israel has had enough and is telling the world to fuck off.

Its ok to cry now.

AI causing more layoffs

Totally Predicted This …..

T-Mobile just announced 5000 layoffs (7% of its workforce) focused on back office jobs.

The letter to employees (paragraph 7) includes a not-so-subtle reference to productivity gains from AI.

This is an example of how AI will impact corporations. 

One by one, companies will reduce costs (people) using AI.

How big will the total impact be …. we will see

Nothing to see here … move along ….

The summer is being quietly rocked by scandal and nobody really seems to care. Trump has been arraigned 4 times on various thought crimes. He spends 40% of his campaign dollars defending himself and more importantly countless days away from the campaign trail. This is of course all the left really wants; to derail his campaign. Sure if they can put him in jail they will but wasting his money and his time, and convincing Americans that he is the most evil man since Hitler is their immediate focus. The news coverage on the mainstream media is virtually nonstop Trump bashing. A lot of lies.

Meanwhile, a special counsel has been assigned to look into the corruption of the Biden family. Well, not exactly a special counsel. The DOJ calls it one, but it is being run from inside the DOJ, not outside, by a man who has already demonstrated his keen hatred for Trump and eagerness to protect the Biden family. So the innocent verdict will be very predictable despite all the hard evidence and witnesses against the Biden’s. More importantly, for the next 3 years (or more) the investigation will be used as air cover. “We cannot comment on an open investigation” will be the cry. “Everyone (except Trump) is considered innocent until proven guilty”. The immediate and unspoken goal will be to silence open discussion until after the 2024 election. When the investigation is over, nobody will comment further because of course…. it’s old news.

But the most disturbing thing to me is that the public don’t seem to care. Nobody says a thing. Nobody does anything. Including me by the way. And I don’t know why. We’ve become an overtly corrupt nation in my lifetime. We’ve been told to vote if you want to make a difference, but at age 67 I am now pretty sure that was just a placebo. Voting doesn’t bring about change of any consequence. Republican and Democratic representatives are interchangeable. Trump is different. He scares the establishment politicians and the federal bureaucracy. He really scares the DOJ. And he scares the war making machinery. But aside from Trump, as I look back, I don’t think my vote has ever made a difference. And now voting is so corrupt our vote truly is pointless now

Safeguarding Liberty

The Critical Role of Property Ownership in Modern Society


The right to own property has historically been recognized as a fundamental aspect of individual liberty and has played a pivotal role in shaping modern societies. Derived from Enlightenment philosopher John Locke’s influential ideas on natural rights, property ownership has been embraced by the Founding Fathers of the United States as a cornerstone of democratic principles. This essay examines the critical role of property ownership for citizens in modern society and underscores the reasons why it must be upheld as an essential right to ensure liberty.

I. John Locke’s Theory of Property Rights

John Locke’s seminal work, “Second Treatise of Government,” presents a comprehensive theory of property rights. According to Locke, individuals possess a natural right to acquire and own property through their labor and the application of their faculties. By mixing their labor with the resources of nature, individuals transform those resources into their private property, establishing a legitimate claim to it.^1 This concept emphasizes the link between human labor, property, and economic prosperity, aligning with modern notions of entrepreneurial pursuits, homeownership, and wealth accumulation.

II. The Founding Fathers’ Embrace of Property Rights

The Founding Fathers of the United States were profoundly influenced by Locke’s theories on property rights and individual liberty. Thomas Jefferson, a prominent proponent of the Enlightenment, expressed the recognition of property rights in a letter to James Madison, where he argued that the living hold rights to the earth, distinct from the deceased, and that these rights should be protected.^2 James Madison, one of the principal architects of the Constitution, incorporated property protections in the document, asserting that a just government should secure the rights of individuals to acquire and enjoy property without undue interference.^3

III. The Connection between Property and Personal Liberty

The right to own property and personal liberty are intricately intertwined in modern society. Property ownership affords individuals a degree of autonomy and control over their lives, reinforcing the principles of independence and self-determination.^4 The possession of real property, for instance, grants individuals a secure abode, enabling them to establish stable families and develop cohesive communities, bolstering social cohesion and civic engagement. The capacity to accumulate wealth through property ownership facilitates the exercise of personal choices and pursuits, preserving individual freedoms.

IV. Economic Prosperity and Innovation

Secure property rights are vital for fostering economic prosperity and stimulating innovation. When individuals possess confidence in the protection of their property, they are more inclined to invest in businesses, take calculated risks, and explore novel technologies.^5 The ability to reap the benefits of their labor and ideas incentivizes entrepreneurial activities, propelling overall economic growth and societal progress.

V. Protection against Tyranny and Arbitrary Rule

The historical significance of property rights lies in its capacity to serve as a bulwark against tyranny and arbitrary rule. In societies where property rights are undermined, citizens become susceptible to oppressive governance and economic exploitation.^6 In contrast, respect for property ownership acts as a safeguard against government encroachment and safeguards against abuses of power. The inclusion of property protections in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reflects the recognition of property rights as a critical barrier to arbitrary confiscation and serves to preserve individual liberties.


The right to own property stands as a vital pillar of modern society, underpinning individual liberty, economic prosperity, and protection against government encroachment. Rooted in the Enlightenment philosophy of John Locke, property ownership has been embraced by the Founding Fathers as an essential aspect of democratic principles in the United States. As a potent driver of economic growth and personal autonomy, property ownership remains a crucial element of a free and just society, safeguarding the liberty and prosperity of its citizens.


1. John Locke, “Second Treatise of Government,” (1689).

2. Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, March 27, 1789.

3. James Madison, “Property,” essay, March 29, 1792.

4. Hansmann, Henry, and Reinier Kraakman, “Property, Contract, and Verification: The Numerus Clausus Problem and the Divisibility of Rights,” The Journal of Legal Studies 31, no. 2 (2002): 373-420.

5. De Soto, Hernando. “The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else.” Basic Books, 2003.

6. North, Douglass C. “Institutions, institutional change and economic performance.” Cambridge University Press, 1990.


When it comes to AI, I am reminded of the plethora of “How it’s Made” videos that go something like: Human feeds the raw material into the machine and the machine makes the thing. We’re already at this point in such an expansive way; it’s going to be more like that, not less.

My belief is there is a tipping point on unemployment which is closer than most people think; when government can no longer fund services and 10’s of millions cannot afford goods & services, basic shelter & sustenance …. that’s when this shit gets real. Even more concerning is such a prediction does not require AGI, or the singularity. This can start to happen now.

It strikes me that the predictable nature of humans to screw over fellow humans will make this and other malevolent impacts of AI inevitable.

UBI has a math problem. Show me the math and I will start to believe it’s possible. Since UBI is a form of rationing, UBI also has a problem vs the natural human value for individual liberty. I know we have lots of rationing already, so what’s a little bit more; right? I say a little bit of cyanide won’t kill you…. how much do we want?

There is also a crossover point where corporations cannot sell enough goods and services to be profitable because they drive up unemployment and we cannot afford to spend. Do corporations get UBI too?

Rinse, repeat.

In the end we most probably look like the world of Elysium.

Stage 1 of AI consequences.

The public is of 3 minds regarding AI. They are oblivious, afraid of the technology, or see it as the path to utopia. Few are considering the real impact of AI.

Companies will fire millions of people whose job can be done by AI. They must do it to remain competitive. High levels of unemployment will trigger a an economic super storm as government revenue (tax collection) falls and millions become homeless overnight. How will society function when this collapse happens? It is inevitable, yet nobody is discussing options.